"The philosophy of Siddhas is practical. A life of austerity is a must in the Siddha path. Only one who resides in the ultimate state of self-realisation for 24 hours a day can pass on the grace to another. There is no individual effort required: the only effort required is to please the Guru by doing Guru seva. Individual prayers are limited. Only remembrance is necessary: for 24 hours a day. There is no restriction, no technique and no bondage. Daily practice is by living your life with the awareness that “My Guru’s power is there to protect and to watch over me”. That awareness is a must. ‘Liberation’ does not mean that you are free from all laws and rules. You must lead a pure life with this awareness. There is no ban on mundane activities of the world, but you should not lose your happiness.
"The Siddha Guru gives some ideas or hints as to what is suitable for you. The main thing is that guidelines should be followed, because HE is aware of your capability and your destiny ('prarabdha'). In Siddha Yoga, Siddhas will give you the solution from time to time. So this is Siddha Yoga: you follow the guidelines of the Guru. That is all the practice required in this path. Asanas, pranayam and various other practices are not possible to complete in one lifetime. Siddha Yoga says: Be natural and let the 'Shakti' (power) do everything. Surrender to the Shakti.
"Faith is most important. If you lose faith, you will attain nothing. Guru Gita says that Guru is the living God. Before accepting someone as your Guru, you should check if he is capable of transmitting spiritual power. This you can realize only by ‘sannidhya’, by staying near the Guru and serving him. Experience it yourself. ‘Deeksha’ (initiation) actually means “Diyate Shivasayujyam, Kshayate Paparashinaam”, that is: 'Oneness with Shiva and destruction of accumulated sins'. That is the grace of the Guru. Experience the ultimate within yourself. That is enough. You do not need any God outside."